Thursday, May 23, 2013

You Are Their Guinea Pig!—The Pharmaceutical Industry vs. Your Health

Their Plan for Your Future:
You Are Their Guinea Pig!—The Pharmaceutical Industry vs. Your Health

One of the biggest drags on the American economy right now is the high cost of health care. Americans pay more for health care and get less for their money than almost any advanced Western country you can name. The current plan for expanding health coverage, called Obamacare, is merely a bandage put on a gushing wound. It doesn’t address the main problem, which is this:

Why is the cost of healthcare rising so rapidly? What is driving the increasing demand for more and more health care, at greater and greater costs?

When you read a drug label, you can see all the various side-effects that you might experience if you take this pill. Most of the time you won’t experience these side-effects, and many of these side-effects seem trivial. For example, your pill for “restless-leg syndrome” may make you prone to becoming a sex addict (but aren’t you already a sex addict? … so this pill really has no side effects).

But the very fact that these side-effects are listed means that someone who participated in the original drug trial has experienced this side-effect, and the drug company is required by law to list it. (Keep in mind that the drug company may have actually done three, four, or ten different drug trials and then picked the one trial that had the fewest reported side-effects. They can legally “bury” the other drug trials without reporting the results to the FDA. Nice for them, but not for you!)

What is little understood by the average person is the fact that we are all similar biologically. But the differences—though they seem quite small—are important.  For example, scientists have discovered that humans share about 98% of our DNA with chimps.  This fact proves that even a small 2% difference in DNA can have very serious ramifications.

Last year I took a DNA test to find out if my genetic background was really what I thought it was: 50% Irish with the rest being English, German, Norman French, and Native American.* The results came back with the not surprising result that I was 88% Northern European and 12% “other” — which I assume means about 10% Native American and 2% unidentifiable (No, not chimp!). Most people get a 2% unidentifiable result on this test.

The point here is that we are all fairly similar biologically—but we are not identical. And any particular drug can have a wide range of side-effects.  A small minority of people react badly to Tylenol, for example, but that does not mean that we should all stop taking Tylenol… or does it?

As more and more people take more and more drugs it is inevitable that people will experience a dangerous or debilitating side-effect. Many of these drugs can cause serious health problems… which require you to take another pill. For example, my father took a variety of pills—both prescription and over-the-counter pills—to deal with his allergies.  When his brother needed a kidney transplant, the doctor told my dad that these allergy pills had caused damage to his kidneys and he could not donate one of his kidneys to his brother.

Similarly, some years ago I mentioned—during a physical exam—that I was having some chest congestion. The doctor decided to proscribe a “brand new” pill that had just been developed to cure this congestion.  So I took the pill for a week and, yes, it cleared up the problem. Unfortunately, the pill also gave me dry skin—a condition that has lasted now for over 15 years! This is the “unintended consequences” of taking this new-and-shiny pill that had just been developed.

I guess I don’t have to recount the story of how a famous and profitable diet pill gave thousands of people heart damage. You know that one already. And I bet you have many family members who have had bad reactions to common medications.

And what is even more dangerous to your health is the fact that doctors are starting to prescribe a variety of steroids to fix a wide variety of conditions. What they don’t tell you is that steroids often have bizarre and dangerous side-effects, including screwing up your blood-sugar or a three-month bout of impotence (for which they will sell you Viagra).  The Drug industry loves steroids because one week of steroids leads to months of side effects that can be treated with more expensive pills. Steroids are like a wild card with dozens of side-effects that are difficult to trace back to the cause: the steroids. (The drug companies are counting on the fact that you won't be able to sue them because of the wide range of unpredictable side-effects that steroids can cause.) Steroids are like red kryptonite! You can't predict what will happen.

You see, each pill leads to another pill and another pill and a surgical procedure and another surgical procedure.  My uncle had two kidney transplants before he died as a result of an infection (and the anti-rejection drugs) that ravaged his already-compromised immune system. 

Doctors also don't bother to describe the possible side-effects of having a vasectomy, which can lead to granulomas and other painful conditions. Vasectomies are just too damn profitable. And the Feminists all preach about the joys of vasectomy as a safe form of birth control. And undoing a vasectomy is another & much more expensive surgery (that your insurance company won't pay for). No one will dare rock this boat.

You are the subject of an enormous biological experiment—and the Medical Establishment is the main financial beneficiary of problems that they caused in the first place.

 None of this will show up on TV or the print media because the media rely heavily on advertising dollars from the pharmaceutical industry. None of this will be printed in medical journals either, because they depend very heavily on ads for drugs! Just look at medical journals. They have more self-promoting advertisements than Cosmo!

On a personal note, I am currently experiencing tinnitus (ringing in the ears) which I believe was cause by a low-dose anxiety medication that I had taken for several months. The package lists tinnitus as one possible side-effect. I guess I was just the unlucky one who actually got it. As I sit here, I can hear the greasy whine in my ears. It never goes away.

Somebody please answer the damn phone!
*I have a ringing in the ears which, I suspect, may be caused by a malfunction of the alien implant in my skull. At least this is what the Ouija board says. So that weird 12% of DNA in my genes might also be alien DNA. In case you’re wondering.


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    Here is more information on Breast cancer and our broken health care system.


    The Supreme Court has done it again, protected corporate America at your expense.
