Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Who are the "Christian Haters"

It fact, is is hard to find real "Christian Haters" in this country. Most of the people I know find Christians to be rather amusing, when they are not out-and-out hysterically funny. For example the hotel maids who found stains on a hotel sheet and decided it was a picture of the Virgin Mary, or the woman who saw Jesus' face on a toasted cheese sandwich. And then there is my sister-in-law who refuses to let her kids eat alphabet soup because the kids might accidentally spell "satan" or "hell" and then eat the letters... (can you say "de-mon-iac-ly po-ssessed" ?) It's all just too funny. How can you hate such folks? They are a laugh a minute.

No, if you want to find true out-and-out Christian Haters, you have to find people who have really suffered at the hands of Christians. You have to find people who have been hurt through the blindness and arrogance of right-wing Christians. So if you really want to find Christian Haters, I would recommend you travel to Iraq. There are many thousands of people there who are truly suffering because of the vile and disgusting actions of George W. Bush, not to mention the anti-Muslim bigotry of his right-wing Christian friends.

In the U.S. there are probably plenty of people who dismiss Christians and laugh at their foibles, but if you really want to find Christian Haters, then you should go to Iraq. George W. Bush has created many thousands of them.

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