Monday, February 25, 2013

The Values of "Religious Values"

The media attempt to show established religions in a positive light, but over and over again the leaders of these religions prove themselves to be bigoted, corrupt, vile, and venial.  This is the case, more often than not, and the people who aspire to leadership in any particular church are typically those who aspire to wealth and power, including the absolute servile obedience of the church members.  Few people have heard, for example, of the bank scandal that took place in Springfield, Missouri, and involved the leader of a large protestant denomination—it didn't make the national news.

In recent years, the scandals of Christianity have become so numerous that even True Believers must occasionally pause in wonder.  The errant holy men of just the last twenty years include such luminaries as Rev. Jimmy Swaggart, Rev. Jim Bakker, Rev. Oral Roberts, Rev. Pat Robertson—and these are just the evangelical Christians who have a national television following.  Their crimes range from sexual peccadilloes to supporting African dictators. 

The Catholic Church is no better.  For example, it could easily be said of Mother Teresa that she never met a third-world dictator that she didn't like, or at least that she wouldn't take money from—even the mass-murderer Slobodan Milosovic.  Now Mother Teresa has been fast tracked to sainthood, as was the vile Nazi-sympathizer Pope Pius XII.  And as bad as Milosovic is, his evil pales by comparison with that of Adolf Hitler, who remained in good standing with the Catholic Church up to the time of his suicide. According to a witness, Hitler paused to pray to the Christian god before committing suicide in his bunker in Berlin. He was a good Christian, right up to the end.

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